Hanging lamps
buy hanging lamp
Looking for a pendant light? At wonenmetlef.nl you can buy hanging lamps for every style of living! Consider in advance where you want to hang the lamp; above the dining table, in the seating area or next to your favorite lounge chair.
buy hanging lamp online
In our shop we have divided the hanging lamps into categories. Within the category you can also filter by brand, color and material, super handy! This is how you find your ideal lamp!
Pendant light glass
A glass hanging lamp is a nice addition to your interior. A hanging lamp made of glass immediately creates a lot of atmosphere and warmth in the house and glass hanging lamps have a timeless character. There is a wide variety of glass lamps, such as spherical, elongated and other cool designs. The hanging lamps are next to clear transparent, milk white or gray also available in cool colors. Glass hanging lamps fit perfectly in a modern interior but are also very nice to add to a rural interior. Something for everyone!
Hanging lamp above the dining table
Turn your dining table into a radiant center by hanging a nice dining table hanging on it. In the dining area is lived and therefore the dining table takes a central place in the house. It is so easy that you can see what is on your plate and that is why lighting is so important!
Design hanging lamp
Design hanging lamps are high-quality, high-quality hanging lamps designed by well-known designers and brands. At wonenmetlef.nl you will find a wide range of design hanging lamps from the countries Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands.
Pendant lamp bedroom
With hanging lamps you create a lot of atmosphere in the bedroom. Above the bed or hang him stubbornly in the middle of the room. Choose one pendant lamp or hang several together. Determine by means of color and design which look and feel you want to give to your bedroom.
Large hanging lamps
Go for an eye-catcher and choose a large hanging lamp above the dining table. We offer you beautiful, sturdy and colorful hanging lamps that are also contemporary and distinctive. So do you want to re-style your home? First determine which pendant light suits you!
Small hanging lamp
Not every room requirement suitable for a large hanging lamp, fortunately there are also a lot of cool, small hanging lamps available. With a square or round dining table, a small hanging lamp is also much nicer.
Double hanging lamp
A hanging lamp with two or more light sources creates a playful effect that fits into every room and every style of living. The use of a double hanging lamp creates as much light as with one large lamp but it looks a lot more spacious.
Black hanging lamp
Black hanging lamps for the living room, office or above the dining table. Black lamps made of cane or metal, each with its own finish such as a subtle sheen or super matte. You’re always good with black!
Well-known designer labels such as HK Living , House Doctor , Ferm Living and Normann Copenhagen can be found on wonenmetlef.nl. For every taste and style we have the perfect hanging lamp!
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